Prescriptions that require prior authorization (PA) can delay treatment, frustrate patients and increase pharmacy workload. These factors can lead to customer service issues, increased healthcare costs—and even negative patient outcomes.

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You can streamline your process and avoid PA pitfalls with the help of RelayRx™ PriorAuthPlus. Powered by CoverMyMeds, PriorAuthPlus lets pharmacies generate an electronic PA form from a PA-rejected claim. The system automatically chooses the correct form based on claim data, then auto-populates it with patient, prescriber and drug information. The form is then sent to the prescriber, who can add clinical information to the form, sign it digitally, and submit it to the plan.

Manage prior authorization requests quickly, securely, and safely

Prescribers are more likely to complete PA requests quickly when they don’t have to spend time entering patient and drug information. PriorAuthPlus auto-populates this critical information, resulting in faster plan submissions and greater patient satisfaction.

RelayRx PriorAuthPlus also integrates into your existing workflow with ease, requiring no hardware installation. The online dashboard increases visibility, with both pharmacies and prescribers able to manage, update, and monitor the form’s status via a secure website.

RelayRx PriorAuthPlus can help you:

  • Improve staff productivity and pharmacy efficiency.
  • Improve prescriber response time.
  • Increase fill rates and medication adherence.
  • Improve patient satisfaction.

RelayRx PriorAuthPlus features include:

  • Simple implementation and ease of use
  • HIPAA compliance and security
  • Integration with most prescription benefit plans
  • Dashboard to manage all PA follow-up


