Top 3 Prescribed Perspectives Downloads for January

Explore recommended downloads for health system teams from Jan. 2022.


By: McKesson Health Systems Editorial Team

Read time: 1 minute

Top Prescribed Perspectives Reads for January

In January, our most-downloaded content centered on multiple aspects of the 340B Drug Pricing Program – from opportunities with biosimilars and getting started with 340B to how to approach specialty pharmacy operations. Here are our recommended reads on Prescribed Perspectives based on what health system teams downloaded the most over the past month.

Good News for Biosimilar Adoption Rates as Pharmacies Find Workable Strategies

Gloved hand holding small orange pillAfter a slow start, biosimilar adoption rates are trending upward in the United States. An expert from our 340B Solutions team explains what these biosimilar adoption rates mean for 340B-qualified pharmacies.

Read more.

How to ensure your 340B program works for everyone — including you

Two pharmacists looking at a paper together while standing inside the pharmacyA Q&A with three 340B experts reveals where to start with ensuring your hospital or health system has a strong 340B program. From building the foundation to choosing the right platforms, download this white paper to find out the keys to building and maintaining a successful program that delivers.

Learn more.

White Paper: The 340B Specialty Pharmacy – the Challenging Prognosis, the Prescription for Success

Pharmacist working behind the pharmacy deskSince the introduction of the 340B Drug Pricing Program, specialty drug costs have skyrocketed, even as the total percentage of specialty drugs prescribed remains low. And the 340B program itself has become more difficult to navigate. This white paper shares how health systems can approach specialty pharmacy operations to more effectively do the most good in their communities.

Read the white paper.
