How a Patient Assistance Program Can Help Patients Get the Care They Need

Patient assistance programs (PAPs) aim to bring lifesaving therapies to patients who need financial support. McKesson RxO and RxCrossroads by McKesson can support medication access across healthcare settings—and uncover hidden revenue for your organization.

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Proven support for patient assistance programs—whatever the setting

PAPs help patients to receive prescription medication for free either from a hospital pharmacy or directly from the manufacturer. But it’s not just about free medications. Equally important in today’s PAPs is that patients receive support that’s personalized for them. An effective PAP addresses patients’ individual circumstances for better continuity of care and improved health outcomes.

Look to McKesson for tried and tested PAP administration support whether you’re a biopharma company or a hospital or health system pharmacy. Create an exceptional patient experience with comprehensive solutions from McKesson RxO supporting the hospital setting and RxCrossroads by McKesson supporting biopharma sponsored patient support services in the clinic setting.

Patient assistance program solutions for hospital and health system pharmacies

Identify eligible patients, complete and verify enrollment, facilitate product recovery and uncover hidden revenue with the help of McKesson RxO’s PAP Recovery team. They’ll help you:

  • Track the status of PAP applications
  • Automate the review and validation of pharmacy revenue cycle data
  • Increase collectable revenue for clinic-administered medication

Plus, McKesson’s new First Dose technology integrates with hospital scheduling data, automatically screening patients for PAP eligibility before they come in for treatment. It all adds up to time savings for case managers and clinicians, and better care for patients.

RxO Patient Assistance Program successes in 2019

RxO PAP successes include 350 health systems clients & over $225 million savings for patients

Learn more about RxO PAP

Program pharmacy solutions for biopharma

Money should never stand in the way of patients getting the therapies they need. RxCrossroads by McKesson aims to ease the access to and affordability of much-needed treatments for uninsured or underinsured patients through tailored PAPs.

The RxCrossroads team can bring your biopharma company’s lifesaving therapies to qualified patients through direct-to-patient pharmacy programs, partnerships with funding foundations, and free trials dispensing.

RxCrossroads Patient Assistance Program successes in 2019

RxCrossroads PAP successes include 1.6 million prescriptions dispensed to participating patients

Learn more about RxCrossroads PAP
