What Makes Pharmacy Leaders Effective C-Suite Leaders?

What Makes Pharmacy Leaders Effective C-Suite Leaders?

Health systems have a built-in resource to leverage the expertise of pharmacy as an asset.

Read Time: 2 minutes

By: Craig Dolan

The pharmacy model involves a careful balance of putting the patient first while improving efficiency and containing costs, and pharmacy leaders have both the clinical and business knowledge to successfully navigate these operational needs – skills that are often applicable to other service lines throughout the health system, including:

  • Clinical expertise
  • Operational experience
  • Quick, well-informed decision-making
  • A detail-oriented work style
  • Champions of relevant technologies
  • Strong interpersonal skills
    • Educating patients on medications and following up on adherence
    • Persuading providers to consider alternate drugs where appropriate
    • Connecting patients with affordable avenues to pay for costly drugs

This diverse skill set and unique blend of clinical, operation, and interpersonal expertise that make an effective pharmacy leader also make for a valuable C-suite member or ally, and increasingly, pharmacy leaders are stepping into executive leadership roles in health systems. By including pharmacy professionals in strategic discussions and operational rollouts that affect the entire organization, health systems have a built-in resource to leverage the complexities of pharmacy as a valuable asset.

Help your C-suite achieve more with McKesson

For more information, contact McKesson. Our Professional & Advisory services team includes expert health system pharmacy advisors that can help identify opportunities to amplify pharmacy throughout your health system so that you can achieve more for your business of pharmacy.

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